Turkey: Consumer Confidence Up 4.3% İn June

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Turkey: Consumer Confidence Up 4.3% İn June

Turkish consumers’ confidence in the economy surged 4.3% in June, the country’s statistical authority announced Thursday. The consumer confidence index stood at 57.6 this month, up 55.3 in May, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said. The index value is jointly calculated by TurkStat and the Central Bank of Turkey through measureme […]

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Turkish consumers’ confidence in the economy surged 4.3% in June, the country’s statistical authority announced Thursday.

The consumer confidence index stood at 57.6 this month, up 55.3 in May, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) said.

The index value is jointly calculated by TurkStat and the Central Bank of Turkey through measureme […]