The following is either true or not true. Was Flynn’s company receiving funds  Turkish interests during the 2016 campaign and transition or not? Was Flynn’s business still a client of Turkish interests after Flynn was sworn in as National Security Advi…

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The following is either true or not true. Was Flynn’s company receiving funds Turkish interests during the 2016 campaign and transition or not? Was Flynn’s business still a client of Turkish interests after Flynn was sworn in as National Security Advi…

The following is either true or not true. Was Flynn's company receiving funds Turkish interests during the 2016 campaign and transition or not? Was F

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The following is either true or not true. Was Flynn’s company receiving funds Turkish interests during the 2016 campaign and transition or not? Was Flynn’s business still a client of Turkish interests after Flynn was sworn in as National Security Advisor? Here is what is public knowledge- “On March 8, 2017, Flynn registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for $530,000 worth of lobbying work before election day.[10] This work was done on behalf of a Dutch-based company that may have been working for the Turkish government.[10] On March 24, 2017, former Director of the CIA James Woolsey said that in September 2016 Flynn, while working for the Trump presidential campaign, had attended a meeting in a New York hotel with Turkish officials including foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and energy minister Berat Albayrak, son-in-law of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and had discussed abducting Fethullah Gülen and sending him to Turkey, bypassing the U.S. extradition legal process.[69] Flynn sat in on classified national security briefings with then-candidate Trump at the same time that […] of interest.[70][71] Flynn was paid at least $5,000 to serve as a consultant to a U.S.-Russian project to build 40 nuclear reactors across the Middle East, which Flynn’s failure to disclose was flagged by Representatives Elijah Cummings and Eliot Engel as a possible violation of federal law.[72][73] Kidnapping a naturalized citizen of the US and returning that person to Erdogan in Turkey is acceptable behavior a potential Cabinet officer of the US? Flynn is no patriot. Regardless of what else he might have done with his life plotting to kidnap political refugees living in America while on Trump’s campaign team is no patriotic act.